Sunday, 14 December 2014

March on Washington

Let me start by saying that I am not for violence, but I am for civil disobedience. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the march on Washington, organized by Reverend Al Sharpton, had no ounce of the latter in it. As a result of this, I don't believe that enough pressure was exerted. I had honestly believed that this march would have been the final push after months of protests nationwide. However, after only marching for roughly one hour, and listening to speeches for two to three hours, it did not feel like our means were effective enough for our ends.
Nevertheless, I am thankful for the opportunity I had to be surrounded by hundreds of people who refuse to just sit and be complacent in a system that was built to oppress, not protect, people of colour. Police brutality is never okay especially when it mostly targets one racial group. 

Here are some pictures from the protest:

Remember the world is watching and so is God.


  1. It's always good to stand for what you believe in. Yes, God is indeed always watching.

    Thy Bliss Calls

  2. Police brutality in this day and age should be unheard of, but the fact that there are protests nationwide is an indication of change for the better in future, there is hope.
